Since 2014, Claudia works at Teatro da Didascália as an actress/creator in several productions. She also programmes the Vaudeville Rendez-Vous International Festival (the most well known circus festival in the country) and she also assumes the general coordination of the entire project. Also has experience as assistant director, producer and light operator. She is responsible for the participation of the company in the following international networks/platforms: CircoStrada (curator of a couple of round tables in the Fresh Circus 2018 and member of the work group), CircusNext and CircusLink.
In 2015 she did an aerial dance course of 52h given by the Company UMpor1.
Between 2012 and 2014, Cláudia joined the Theatre company Jangada Teatro, and it was there that she started to travel the world to perform. She performed in Keistuoliu teatras (Lithuania), Vilkaviškis Kuturus Centras (Lithuania), Vilniaus Kamerinis Teatras (Lithuania), Teatro Glauce Rocha (Rio de Janeiro – Brazil), Teatro Commune (São Paulo – Brazil) and in VDU Teatras (Kaunas – Lithuania). During that period she worked as an actress in a lot of plays, the following one’s stand out: Médico à força (Relutant Doctor) by Molière, staged by John Mowat; “O Espelho” (The Mirror) by Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen, staged by Manuel Costa Dias; A Boca do Inferno (The Gates of Hell) by António Torrado, staged by José Carretas; Romance da Raposa (The Romance of Fox), by Aquilino Ribeiro staged by Luiz Oliveira; Fui ao Mar (I Went to the Sea), text and staging by LuizOliveira; O Grande Cortejo (Grand Parade), text by Luís Ângelo Fernandes and staged by Fernando Moreira; Quem Come a Minha Casinha (Who eats my little house), drama and staging by José Caldas; Patinho Feio (Ugly Duck), drama and staging by Luiz Oliveira.
In 2011, she took the role of Musa da Devoção (Devotion Muse) in the musical 1906 O Nosso Grande Amor (1906 Our Great Love). Staged by Matilde Trocado Castro and with musical direction by Hugo Reis.
Back in 2010, she participated in several performances about the experimental musician Cornelius Cardew that took place in Culturgeste in Porto.
Her dance training includes popping, locking, breakdance, newschool, dancehall and contemporary dance.
She taught Popping in Pinguim (Porto) and in Centro de Estudos Shine (Vila Nova de Gaia) from 2010 to 2012.
In 2010 she was Production Assistant in FIMP (PORTO INTERNATIONAL PUPPET FESTIVAL).
Between 2008 and 2011, she did her graduation in Theatre in the Balleteatro Contemporâneo do Porto.