July 20, 2023 19:00

Praça de Pedra do Jardim do Paço dos Duques | Guimarães

July 21, 2023 19:00

Praça Municipal | Braga

July 22, 2023 19:00

Praça Manuel SottoMaior (Rua Direita) | VN Famalicão

Circus Katoen | Belgium

national premiere

Grasshoppers is a reproduction of the resilience and vulnerability of nature and the role that we as humans play in it.  The ‘living’ green in this world has to endure a lot. With a turf in the lead, Circus Katoen is looking for a playful way to visualize this process. Grass is a living material and recognizable to everyone. On the one hand very vulnerable and on the other hand it can really take a few knocks. In Grasshoppers, Circus Katoen removes a piece of green from its natural habitat and brings it above ground level using trestles, planks, rope and their bodies. A portion of nature ends up in unnatural situations, a specialty of mankind….



aprox. 55 min. | M/3



Direção artística e interpretação / Artistic direction & performers: Willem Balduyck and Sophie van der Vuurst de Vries

Acompanhamento / Coaching: Kitt Johnson and Hanne Vandersteene 

Assessoria artística / Artistic advice: Benjamin Kuitenbrouwer 

Figurinos / Costumes: Lorelinde Hoet 

Coprodução / Co-production: Perplx festival, MiramirO, Theater op de Markt Dommelhof 

Residências / Residencies: Vlaams Centrum voor Circuskunsten vzw (BE), Theater op de Markt-Dommelhof (BE), Atelier Blanchefosse (FR), Latitude 50 (BE), Subtopia (SE), PERPLX (BE), L’essieu du Batut (FR), MiramirO (BE) 

Apoio / Subvention: Vlaamse Overheid