Street Theatre based on Metamorphosis, by Franz Kafka. A Physical, Visual, Non-verbal show, with an original soundtrack, also resorting to Aerobatics.
This fantastic tale (a man wakes up turned into an insect), crosses centuries and borders, becoming a timeless work of this human “village”. It is “anybody’s” daily, forgotten life. In an Esperanto dictionary, “Insekto” can also be translated as “insignificant person”. The ordinary man, slave to his own life, his social condition, his family, suddenly finds himself suppressed by an unknown monstrosity. Could his loneliness be any greater?
Despite the fact that Metamorphosis only celebrates its centenary in 2015, Kafka is still a contemporary author. Our time is a time of solitude; we are contemporaries of a mass depression, like a common disease. A victim of his own desires of acceptance and love, Man betrays his own nature, becoming the opposite instead: displaced in his work, his family and the world. Isolation, melancholy and incomprehension set a course for a gradual process of animalization…