July 17, 2024 21:30

gnration, Braga

Cia Palimsesta | Espanha

national premiere

“Masha” aims to be a space to reflect, interpret, and live with the unexpected. A piece in the form of a creative laboratory that seeks to stimulate reflections on contemporary challenges and the new paradigms we face as humanity.

aprox. 50 min. | M/12

capacity 100 seats

The show is free of charge, limited to room capacity. Tickets will be available for pick-up on the day of the performance, starting at 9:30 am, at the gnration box office.


vulnerability, adaptation, unexpected, challenge

*Show with partial nudity.

Laureate within the frame of circusnext Platform, co-funded by the European Union

Ideia e interpretação /Idea and interpretation: Andrea Rodríguez de Liébana, Sergi González

Apoio Dramatúrgico /Dramaturgical support: Marissa Paituví 

Desenho de luz e técnica / Lighting design and technical: Sarah Jenewey 

Desenho de som e difusão / Sound design and diffusion: Angel Faraldo 

Figurinos /Costume: Lisa Ivarsson 

Agradecimentos / Acknowledgments: Chiara Marchese, Elena Zanzu, Johnny Torres, Mila Rodriguez, Nini Gorzerino 

Residências / Residencies: La Central del Circ, Lleialtat Santsenca, Can Batlló, Nau Ivanow, Tub d’assaig, Terrassa Arts Escèniques, El Canal, Arts Printing House, L’Espace Périphérique, Cirque Élecrique, Latitude 50, Up Circus & Performing Arts 

Com o apoio de / With the support of: Antic Teatre, Café de las Artes Teatro, Circus Next, ICUB, Mercat de les Flors.