Comer a Terra – uma peça de teatro-comestível

March 6, 2025 20:00


March 7, 2025 20:00


March 8, 2025 20:00


March 13, 2025 20:00


March 14, 2025 20:00


March 15, 2025 20:00


After creating man and woman in His image, God blessed them, saying:
“Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, and every living creature that moves on the ground. I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that bears fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.”

Retold countless times, this Anthropocene prophecy has taken such deep root in our collective consciousness that today we are more than eight billion people across the planet. Eight billion individuals who, every morning, long for their breakfast; who fend off hunger with a snack while awaiting lunch; who pack their lunchboxes with sandwiches, fruit, and energy bars to sustain themselves through the marathon that leads to dinner—and, for many, even supper.

Appetite is universal; satisfying it remains a privilege for only a few. Ever since the race for spices and the quest to control their trade routes became the order of the day, it has fueled a violent wave of globalization. Initially, this had devastating consequences for Indigenous peoples, and today, under the shadow of the climate crisis, it threatens humanity’s unrelenting hunger and insatiable desires.

Note: This is a dinner-show. Come prepared to eat, but not everything will be easy to swallow.

Dramaturgy and Direction: Bruno Martins

Performance: Cláudia Berkeley, Eduardo Breda, and Pedro Couto
Gastronomic Creation: Chef Tânia Durão
Scenography and Costumes: Catarina Barros
Lighting Design and Operation: Valter Alves
Sound Design: Pedro Sousa
Sound Operation: Mariana Guedelha
Executive Production: Raquel Passos
Communication: Anaïs Proença
Graphic Design: Luísa Martelo
Production: Teatro da Didascália
Support: Municipality of Vila Nova de Famalicão
Portuguese Republic – Culture / Directorate-General for the Arts




Age Rating: 12+
Approximate Duration: 120 minutes
Maximum Audience per Performance: 56 people

Tour Dates 2025

March 21 – Teatro Gil Vicente | Barcelos

April 5 – Marinha Grande

Abril 11- Ponto C | Penafiel

May 9 – Teatro Municipal de Ourém

June 5th and 7th – Faro