20181006 21:30:00

The fourth part of Mater promises to be the most strident, the hardest, the most acute, the most serious, the heaviest, the lightest, the most insane, the most geometric, the warmest, the coldest, the most cutting , the most insensitive, the most tender, the most rugged, the smoothest …

As a basis for Rui Souza’s composition we have the Mongolian metal and songs (Throat Singing). Each voice, in the Mongolian tradition, can sing two, three or more notes simultaneously. Connoisseurs call it harmonics and the truth is that the metal is full of them.

The formation that will be present in this edition is composed by João Mortágua on Saxophone, Carlos Correia, as vocal nomad, in vocal experiences, João Pedro Silva will be on electric guitar, Pedro Gonçalves Oliveira on drums and percussions and Rui Souza on keyboards and electronics.