20180915 21:30:00

This concert has as its starting point the land and the polyphonies of Minho. And, as in the first two concerts, the objective of this is to try to find a point in our memory that reminds us of a certain subject, of any apparently forgotten genetics. The earth between the toes when we played as a child, the earth in the face, the earth as a universal floor, the earth seen as the place from which we started, where we walked and the earth as the ultimate end of this form of existence. The earth can help us understand our exact size.

For this edition we have Pedro Lucas, guitarist and composer of the MEDEIROS / LUCAS project, Carina Albuquerque and António Oliveira on cellos and Rui Souza, who will be responsible for the compositions and will be present on keyboards and electronics.

This is what Mater is, a reunion of the human being with the being itself. A discovery of who we are and what may be forgotten in us.