Praça Municipal | Braga

La Contrabande | França

26 JUL . ​22:00​ ​Praça  Municipal | Braga

27 JUL . ​22:00 ​Praça D. Maria II – Topo norte | VN Famalicão

aprox. 30 min. | M/3

National Premiere


Six acrobats play a game with rules that do not always should be followed. They take frequent risks and flirt with danger. Still, Bal Trap is not competitive: it’s in the circus, the final line is crossed together.

Performed by​ Lluna Pi, Simon Cheype, Antoine Cousty ou Mathieu Lagaillarde, Hugo Moriceau, Jacob Auzanneau, Florian Bessin

Direction ​La Contrebande

Diffusion​ Laure Clapies

Production ​L’Avant-Courrier

Illustrations​ Lara Manipoud et Florian Bessin

Photography​ Christophe Raynaud de Lage

Supported by​ La Gare à Coulisse