July 17, 2024 22:00

Praceta Francisco Sá Carneiro | Barcelos

July 20, 2024 22:00

Praça Municipal | Braga

Bivouac Compagnie | France

“Lemniscate” is a choreographic exploration that plays with the relationship between time and space through an experimental device. In a harmonious choreography, featuring falls, suspensions, and relaxed artistic moments, the show invites the audience to embark on a poetic journey full of twists and infinite possibilities.

aprox. 50 min. | M/3


experimental device, suspension, imagination

Ideia original e cenografia / Original Idea and Set Design: Maureen Brown

Encenação e adaptação / Director and adaptation: Maryka Hassi

Assistência de encenação / Assistant Director: Benjamin Lissardy

Composição / Composer: Yanier Hechavarria

Direção de cena & luz Stage manager & lights: Simon Drouart

Desenho de Luz / Lighting design: Louise Nauthonnier

Acrobata / Acrobat: Benjamin Lissardy

Bailarinos / Dancers: Nicolas Sannier and Amélie Jousseaume

Desenho e construção da estrutura / Design and construction of the structure: Sud Side Marseille

Sistema integrado / Embedded system: Akwariom

Cálculos de Forças / Force calculations: Alain Dressard​