Oficinas de Criação com Apresentação Final

BARCELOS, BRAGA & FAMALICÃO – 18 to 21 july | 14:30 – 18:30
With final presentation at 21 July 6pm

GUIMARÃES – 19 to 22 july | 14:30 – 18:30
With final presentation at 22 July 6pm

In the context of the 8th edition of the Vaudeville Rendez-Vous International Festival, we will again organize the Creative Workshops with final presentation in each of the 4 cities that host VRV’22 Festival (Barcelos, Braga, Famalicão and Guimarães).

The thematic (in tune with the Festival) is the creation/occupation/use of the public space and will be developed through the performing arts (theater, dance, circus, music, performance). During 4 days, in a specific location in each city, an artist will share his/ her technique with a group of participants and together they will build their presentation at the Festival.

The challenge is to think and create from the expressive potentialities of the bodies in relation to the space and with more or less improbable actions for those who cross this place (which we call public space).

BARCELOS – Parque da Cidade
18 a 21 JUL | 14h30 – 18h30
With Naiana Padial
Aimed at young people up to 18 years old.
Final Presentation – 21 JUL | 18h00

BRAGA – Claustros da Rua do Castelo
18 a 21 JUL | 14h30 – 18h30
With Joana Martins | Coração nas Mãos
Aimed at Grupo de Ginástica Artística do Agrupamento de Escolas Alberto Sampaio.
Final Presentation – 21 JUL | 18h00

FAMALICÃO – Urbanização da Cal
18 a 21 JUL | 14h30 – 18h30
With Marisa Oliveira
Aimed at all ages
Final Presentation – 21 JUL | 18h00

GUIMARÃES – Jardins do Vila Flor
19 a 22 JUL | 14h30 – 18h30
With André Araújo
Aimed at all ages
Final Presentation – 22 JUL | 18h00