Praça Dona Maria II ​- Topo sul (Jardins) ​| Vila Nova de Famalicão

Joan Català | Espanha

25 JUL . ​19:00 ​Praça Dona Maria II ​- Topo sul (Jardins) ​| Vila Nova de Famalicão

26 JUL . ​19:00​ L​argo de Donães | Guimarães

27 JUL. ​19:00​ ​Largo da Porta Nova – Torre | Barcelos

aprox. 40 min. ​| M/3

National Premiere


PELAT is silence, expectation, strength, tension, and magical, spontaneous participation.

PELAT is body poetry.

PELAT is innovation, movement and collective action.

PELAT is a risky, sincere, different, peculiar and daring approach.

It is an original performance combining dance, theatre and circus.

This unique performance is based on the study of the body, movement, people’s behaviour, craftsmanship and traditions.

Original idea and performer​ Joan Català i Carrasco

Art consulting and external view Roser Tutusaus, Melina Pereyra, Jordi Casanovas, David Climent i & Pablo Molinero (Los Corderos)

With the support of ​Fira Tàrrega, El Graner centre de creació del cos i el moviment, Festival Sismograf, Olot, L’Animal a l’Esquena, Trayectos danza