Largo Condessa do Juncal | Guimarães

28/jul 22h Largo Condessa do Juncal | Guimarães

29/Jul 19h Largo do Paço | Braga

In human activities, alive and beautiful, the sense of balance seems to be a limit, a ground zero, a void to embrace.

A filiform line without consistency, stretched between sense and nonsense, the ridge where things can follow a certain direction.

We dangerously project ourselves, paying attention not to lose balance, but drawn by the abyss. The sense of beauty lives off this movement, off this duplicity.

To venture through non-chosen potential, unchartered waters and find balance in a way that reveals it.

Is this the purpose?

This is where our balance resides, the balance of beauty.

Three characters. Three men meet and come into conflict in their quest for balance, for purpose.



Artistic & Technical Team 

Performers: Alexandre Duarte, Fábio Costantino and Ricardo Costa

Directed by: Boris Vecchio

Music by: Ares Mozzi

Production: Associazione Culturale Sarabanda

Co-production: Vaudeville Rendez-Vous International Festival