They are contemporary nomads!

Passengers of their own travels.

They build abstract narratives from poetic and ephemeral paths and space. Along the way they are finding and accumulating… Their heritage is both tangible and intangible.

They question the excess, shortage, waste, high consumption, the manufactured society, the raw nature… The individual memory and colective conscience, from and at, contemporary society. They spend one night, but follow a continuous journey…ambulation, resulting from a compulsive need to move in this mobility of utopia


Show winner of the first Creation Funding Isabel Alves Costa.



Artistic Direction: António Oliveira

Act and co-creation: António Oliveira, Bruno Machado, Joana Domingos, Julieta Rodrigues e Viriato Morais

Scenography and Construction: Hugo Ribeiro

Costumes: Julieta Rodrigues

Sound: António Oliveira, Maria Mónica, Tiago Ralha e Vasco Ferreira

Video and Illustration: Maria Mónica

Video and Illustration Consultancy: Patrício Brito

Light Design:Vasco Ferreira

Photography: Teresa Couto

Direction Assistance and Dramaturgical Support: Gonçalo Fonseca

Coproduction:Comédias do Minho / Fimp / Teatro Municipal do Porto

Support to Creation: Fábrica da rua da Alegria, Ipp, Teatro Municipal Campo Alegre